Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Daniel 2:24-3:30 ~ 1 Peter 4:7-5:14 ~ Psalm 119:81-96 ~ Proverbs 28:15-16 l Utah VidDevo l VidDevoChurch


November 26th One Year Bible Readings

Daniel 2:24-3:30 ~ 1 Peter 4:7-5:14 ~ Psalm 119:81-96 ~ Proverbs 28:15-16
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Old Testament - Today in Daniel chapter 2 we see Daniel conducting his affairs with Nebuchadnezzar with wonderful humility!  In verses 27 & 28 Daniel says: "There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune-tellers who can tell the king such things.  But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and he has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future."  Here we see that Daniel is giving God the glory for the dream about to be revealed.  Daniel was taking no credit for this.  Today, do you regularly give God the glory in your life?  Or do you try to take the credit yourself?  Below is an image of Daniel before Nebuchadnezzar:
The dream interpreted by Daniel is summed up in verses 44 & 45: "During the reigns of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed; no one will ever conquer it. It will shatter all these kingdoms into nothingness, but it will stand forever. That is the meaning of the rock cut from the mountain by supernatural means, crushing to dust the statue of iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold." The dream & interpretation are prophesying the kingdom of Babylon (gold), followed by the Medo-Persian Kingdom (silver), then Greek kingdom (bronze), then the Roman empire with a mix of iron & clay - representing strong and weak states within the Roman empire.  These are all B.C. kingdoms, taking us up to the time of Jesus the Messiah, when the rock cut from the mountain comes and becomes the everlasting Kingdom of God.  Below is an image of the statue from Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its interpretations with dates:
Nebuchadnezzar is impressed with the dream interpretation and says to Daniel in verse 47: "Truly, your God is the God of gods, the Lord over kings, a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this secret."  Think Nebuchadnezzar is sincere about this?  Or, think he will be the next day?  Look how quickly he changes his mind in Chapter 3...   
In chapter 3 we read the incredible story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.  In verses 16-18 we read:  “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.  If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king.   But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."  Focus on the words in verse 18 – “But even if he does not”.  Do you have the faith of these three men in God?  Even if God does not show up in your life as you hope he might, will you still have faith?  Will you not serve other gods or worship false idols?  Back to verse 16 - Do you realize that you do not have to defend your faith to others?  Do you believe that God can rescue you from the direst of situations? Even a fiery furnace?
In verse 28 we hear Nebuchadnezzar giving praise to God again - similar to chapter 2 verse 47 above:"Praise to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! He sent his angel to rescue his servants who trusted in him. They defied the king's command and were willing to die rather than serve or worship any god except their own God."  Are we willing to die rather than serve or worship any other "god"?  (big question I realize... but a fair one. This is happening to Christians around the world today. Please remember to pray for the persecuted church around the world.)  Below is a portrait by Guy Rowe of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were willing to die for their faith in the True Living God rather than worship another little "g" fake god -
New Testament - We finish the letter of First Peter today!  Second Peter begins tomorrow.  In First Peter chapter 5 verse 8 today we receive a stern warning we all must heed: "Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the Devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour. Take a firm stand against him, and be strong in your faith."  Do you believe the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion?  Will you take a firm stand against him?  How will you do this?  Memorizing scripture on a regular basis I believe is one very effective tool in this battle.  As is reading and studying the Bible each and every day.  I actually was sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office recently and I picked up a Christian magazine that had an article on how to fight temptation.  This article basically said to "know thyself" - know what and where your weaknesses / temptations are.  Then, after taking this inventory, memorize a scripture verse or two that you can easily bring to mind when you find yourself in one of those times of weakness / temptation.  And to cling to that scripture verse for all its worth.  I haven't personally tried this yet, but I think I will.  I do think that we can cling to scripture like a life preserver in our moments of weakness / temptation.  Let us not ever forget that on this side of heaven the devil is out there prowling...
Psalms - I am continuing to love our readings of Psalm 119!  This is an incredible Psalm...  I somehow am re-reminded of how amazing this Psalm is every 6 months that we read it in the One Year Bible.  I could write something on each verse.  For example, I love the imagery in verse 81 today - "I faint with longing for your salvation; but I have put my hope in your word." I faint!  I long! I hope!  And Verse 83 -"I am shriveled like a wineskin in the smoke, exhausted with waiting. But I cling to your principles and obey them."  I am shriveled!  I am exhausted!  I wait!  I cling!  I obey!   I love this Psalm...  Verse 95 actually backs up the reflection above on 1 Peter 5:8 quite nicely - "Though the wicked hide along the way to kill me, I will quietly keep my mind on your decrees."  How can you quietly keep your mind on God's decrees?  Will you make this a habit to quietly keep your mind on God's decrees?  Would this be a good habit?
Proverbs - Proverbs 28:15-16 today teach us:  "A wicked ruler is as dangerous to the poor as a roaring lion or an attacking bear. A ruler with no understanding will oppress his people, but one who hates corruption will have a long life."  These verses are a reminder to me to pray for our leaders in government.  Their actions matter. In very significant ways.  Do you think our prayers for our leaders matter?  In very significant ways? Today's Proverb about a wicked ruler reminds me of Hitler, and a powerful movie my wife and I just watched last night, titled Bonhoeffer, based on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his resistance to Hitler. Have you seen this movie? Please add it to your queue on Netflix if you haven't seen it yet. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the author of the books The Cost of Discipleshipand Life Together.
YouTube - Today's readings in 1 Peter reminded me of Phil Wickham's song "This is Amazing Grace:"
Have you experienced God's Amazing Grace?  Click here for Amazing Grace!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." First Peter 5:8 (NIV)
Prayer Point: Pray that you are always self-controlled. Pray that you are always alert. Pray that you always realize that your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Pray for protection for yourself, friend, family, neighbors, and world from the schemes of the devil.
Comments from you - What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings?  Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
p.s. Download our monthly Small Group study notes for our One Year Bible readings at this link.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ezekiel 47:1-48:35 ~ 1 Peter 2:11-3:7 ~ Psalm 119:49-64 ~ Proverbs 28:12-13 l Utah VidDevo l VidDevoChurch


November 24th One Year Bible Readings

Ezekiel 47:1-48:35 ~ 1 Peter 2:11-3:7 ~ Psalm 119:49-64 ~ Proverbs 28:12-13
~ Click here to read today's Scripture on ~ // Mobile Site Link
~ Listen to today's Scripture on OTNTPsalmsProverbs or (podcast) ~
Old Testament - We finish the book of Ezekiel today!  The book of Daniel begins tomorrow!  Ezekiel chapter 47's opening verses about the River of Healing are just beautiful.  Verses 1 through 3 tell us -"Then the man brought me back to the entrance of the Temple. There I saw a stream flowing eastward from beneath the Temple threshold. This stream then passed to the right of the altar on its south side. The man brought me outside the wall through the north gateway and led me around to the eastern entrance. There I could see the stream flowing out through the south side of the east gateway. Measuring as he went, he led me along the stream for 1,750 feet and told me to go across. At that point the water was up to my ankles."
As I was reading these verses about the River of Healing I imagined myself jumping into the river and just being refreshed and renewed and restored!  Great stuff...  This river is very reminiscent of the river in the Garden of Eden - and the River of Life described in Revelation chapter 22.  Verse 9 in ch. 47 of Ezekiel sums it all up well - "Everything that touches the water of this river will live.  Fish will abound in the Dead Sea, for its waters will be healed. Wherever this water flows, everything will live."  Can you imagine this river of healing flowing from the temple?  Can you imagine some rest & restoration & refreshment & healing through this river?
Today in Ezekiel chapter 48 we read about the division of land in Ezekiel's vision, which the map below details quite well (you'll need to scroll down a bit to view it all) -
Ezekiel chapter 48's last words - and the last words in the book of Ezekiel are simply this - "And from that day the name of the city will be `The LORD Is There.'" In Hebrew this is Yahweh Shammah.   The Hebrew pronunciation of Jerusalem is Yerushalayim - which some say could be a wordplay on Yahweh Shammah.  Jerusalem = The Lord is There...
New Testament - 1 Peter 2 verse 11 is powerful - "So I warn you to keep away from evil desires because they fight against your very souls."  Do you believe evil desires fight against your soul?  If so, will you keep away from evil desires?  Will you not entertain those desires anymore?
Verse 24 today about Jesus is so strong - "He personally carried away our sins in his own body on the cross so we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. You have been healed by his wounds!"  Are you dead to sin?  Are you living for what is right?  Do you believe you have been healed by Jesus' wounds?  Will you accept this healing?  Will you kneel down at the foot of the cross and be healed?
Psalms - Wow.  I love Psalm 119 verse 54 today - "Your principles have been the music of my life throughout the years of my pilgrimage."  What a beautiful metaphor - God's principles being the music of our lives through all our years as we are on our pilgrimage.  Great stuff!  How might God's principles actually become the music of your life?  Do you think you'd need to be reading God's Word frequently to tune into his frequency?  (did you catch that - frequently & frequency? :)   I commend you for reading the Bible each day this year as we go through the One Year Bible.  I pray you'll continue to read the Bible daily in all of your years to come.  I pray God's principles are and will be the music of your life.
Musicdrums Musiccymbals Musicsax Musicbass Musictrumpet
Verse 59 today is a great verse for each of us to consider - "I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your statutes."  Have you ever reached a mid-life or maybe even a quarter-life crisis where you pondered the direction of your life?  Do you like the direction your life is heading now?  Do you want to change that direction?  Will you turn to follow God's way?  God's Truth?  God's life for you?  Do you believe that God's plans for you are so much bigger than any plans of your own that you could dream up on your own?
Proverbs - Today in Proverbs 28 verse 13 we read:  “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”  Are there sins you are concealing?  Maybe even from your own consciousness?  Do you believe concealed sin will affect your prosperity?  (Not just financial prosperity, but your spiritual, physical, & mental prosperity?)  Can you find a trusted friend or pastor to confess your sins to?  Do you believe that in doing so you will find mercy?  Will you confess and renounce your sins?  Will you find mercy?
YouTube - Today's readings in First Peter remind me of Phil Wickham's song "The Day True Love Died:"
Do you know about the day True Love died??  Click here and learn!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on two verses of Scripture today: "Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor." 1 Peter 2:16-17 NIV
Prayer Point: Pray that you are living as a free person, but not as a cover-up for evil. Pray that you are a slave of God's. Pray that you show proper respect to others, love fellow believers, and honor your leaders.
Comments from you - What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings?  Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ezekiel 39:1-40:27 ~ James 2:18-3:18 ~ Psalm 118:1-18 ~ Proverbs 28:2 l Utah VidDevo l VidDevoChurch


November 19th One Year Bible Readings

Ezekiel 39:1-40:27 ~ James 2:18-3:18 ~ Psalm 118:1-18 ~ Proverbs 28:2
~ Click here to read today's Scripture on ~ // Mobile Site Link
~ Listen to today's Scripture on OTNTPsalmsProverbs or (podcast) ~
Old Testament - Ezekiel chapter 39 continues the destruction of Gog! See yesterday's posting below for more details on who and what Gog may be.  Verse 25 stands out to me in today's readings: "So now the Sovereign LORD says: I will end the captivity of my people; I will have mercy on Israel, for I am jealous for my holy reputation!"  We see that the exile is coming near to an end.  Ezekiel and Jeremiah have been two pretty heavy books with prophecies against Israel.  This chapter continues to show the redemption and return of the exiles from Babylon to Israel is soon coming.  It is interesting that God is jealous for his holy reputation in the verse above...  are we ourselves also jealous for God's holy reputation?  Should we be?
Ezekiel chapter 40 is very interesting!  It begins the vision and description of what many call "Ezekiel's Temple."  Essentially, this temple has not been built.  Some say that this temple will be built in the future - during Christ's millennial reign.  Some say it's a heavenly temple.   Some say it was the vision for the temple that should have been built during Ezra's days in 517 B.C., but was not.  It is fascinating to look at various theories on the various temples.  An interesting look at a potential scale model of Ezekiel's temple and it's history is at this link.
New Testament - James chapter 2 today continues in the strong words about good deeds accompanying a living faith.  James' arguments are summed up in verse 26: "Just as the body is dead without a spirit, so also faith is dead without good deeds."  Another very interesting verse in this chapter that always jumps out at me is verse 19 - "Do you still think it's enough just to believe that there is one God? Well, even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror!"  I had someone once tell me that they believed in God - but that they realized that so do the demons.  The difference of course is that the demons are not indwelled by the Holy Spirit, as are those who have faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Still, a bit of a scary verse to think about, no?  Not necessarily for our own lives, perhaps, but maybe for others we know.  Let us pray that we and others we know not only know God, but know Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit!
James 3 verses 9 and 10 are powerful reminders on the danger of what can come out of our mouths:"Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it breaks out into curses against those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!"  How true is this...  Reminds me of the old saying of being "two-faced".   Or maybe having a forked-tongue?  The key here to how we can control the tongue I believe is answered in verse 13 - "If you are wise and understand God's ways, live a life of steady goodness so that only good deeds will pour forth. And if you don't brag about the good you do, then you will be truly wise!"   If we can focus on wisdom and what's going on inside our hearts and minds, we won't have to worry about what comes out of the mouth!
Psalms - I came across a wonderful speculation on Psalm 118!  Commentaries suggested that Jesus and the disciples sung this psalm/hymn at the end of the Last Supper.  Matthew chapter 26 verse 30 tells us - "When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives."   This adds a bit of a new dimension to this Psalm!  The reason for this speculation is because this is the final Psalm in the Egyptian Hallel of Psalms 113 through 118.  These Psalms were used in Jewish liturgy at the great religious festivals of Passover, Tabernacles, Dedication, Weeks, New Moon.  At Passover Psalm 113 & 114 were sung before the meal and Psalms 115 - 118 were sung after the meal.  Perhaps, even after the Last Supper by Jesus and the disciples?  Below is Russian artist Simon Ushakov's "The Last Supper" from the year 1685 -
Verse 8 in this Psalm stands out to me big time: "It is better to trust the LORD than to put confidence in people." Kind of strong words I know...  but what do you think?   Might people, on occasion, let you down?  Obviously, we know the answer to this one.  People will let us down.  Even our closest friends and family at some point will let us down.  However - I don't think this means we give up on investing and loving friends and family!  It just means we should not be surprised when someone let's us down.  That's human nature.  None of us is perfect this side of heaven - you will obviously let people down too.  Realizing this, I think all of us should be prepared to forgive others and to ask for forgiveness of others.  However, what do you think on this question:  Will God ever let you down?  Will Jesus ever let you down?  Please know He won't!  In fact, I believe that He's holding you up right this very moment...
Proverbs - Proverbs 28 verse 2 today is a great reminder for us to pray for our leaders in power nationally, locally, and worldwide.  "When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But with wise and knowledgeable leaders, there is stability."  How often do you pray for your leaders?  Will you cover them with prayer today?
Worship God:  Ezekiel 39:25 reminded me of the fantastic song "Blessed Be Your Name" by Matt Redman!  Here's the Newsboys performing a great live version of this song:
Do you know our God of blessing?  Click here and praise his name!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." James 2:26 (NIV)
Prayer Point: Pray that your faith is fully alive. Pray that your saving faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior produces the fruit of loving deeds.
Comments from You:  What verses or insights stand out to you from today's readings?  Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
Grace, love, peace, and joy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ezekiel 37:1-38:23 ~ James 1:19-2:17 ~ Psalm 117:1-2 ~ Proverbs 28:1 l Utah VidDevo l VidDevoChurch


November 18th One Year Bible Readings

Ezekiel 37:1-38:23 ~ James 1:19-2:17 ~ Psalm 117:1-2 ~ Proverbs 28:1
~ Click here to read today's Scripture on ~ // Mobile Site Link
~ Listen to today's Scripture on OTNTPsalmsProverbs or (podcast) ~
Old Testament - Ezekiel chapter 37 starts with a fascinating vision!  This vision of the valley of dry bones is an allusion to the exiled Israelites.  As God brings life and breath into the bones, he will do the same for the exiles, and bring them back to their home land.  In a sense, bring them back to life!
Verse 14 sums up the purpose of this vision nicely - "I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live and return home to your own land. Then you will know that I am the LORD."  Again, we hear the words, as we have so often in Ezekiel - "then you will know that I am the Lord."  Today in our lives, do we know that the Lord is the Lord?  (please forgive this picture below... when I saw it I couldn't help posting it up...  sometimes you just have to put all kinds of different facts & info out there for people who pull into your parking lot. :)
Verses 15-23 are great - discussing the reunification of the two kingdoms of Israel since the time of Solomon.  Israel will become one kingdom again.  And verses 24 through 28 point toward the coming Messiah, Jesus.  Verse 26 stands out - "And I will make a covenant of peace with them, an everlasting covenant."  Have you entered into this covenant of peace with God?  The everlasting covenant?  Have you opened the door to Jesus in your heart?  Do you hear him knocking?   Maybe late at night, do you hear Jesus knocking?  Offering you an everlasting covenant of peace?  Will you open the door of your heart?
Ezekiel chapter 38 is very interesting, with a prophesy against Gog of the land of Magog.  It will help you to know that Gog is mentioned in Revelation chapter 20 verses 7 & 8 as follows - "When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth--Gog and Magog--to gather them for battle.  In number they are like the sand on the seashore."  This can help give some context for this chapter.  This may be an end-times type of prophecy from Ezekiel.   Verse 22 tells us - "I will punish you and your hordes with disease and bloodshed; I will send torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur!" And, again, we close this chapter with some familiar powerful words from God - "Thus will I show my greatness and holiness, and I will make myself known to all the nations of the world. Then they will know that I am the LORD!"
New Testament - James' verses today again are all so powerful...  I am enjoying this book immensely.  Chapter 1 Verse 27 is a great reminder to care for the poor amongst us - "Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us."  Are you caring for those in their time of trouble?  Are you refusing to let the world corrupt us?  Do you care for orphans and widows?
James chapter 2 verse 17 is a famous one - "So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all--it is dead and useless."  Or, paraphrased, faith without works is dead.  It's important of course to remember that works alone do not save us - only faith does through the grace of God.  But, works naturally come through that saving faith.  They are a natural by-product and demonstrate that we have a true and living faith.
Psalms - Psalm 117 is the shortest of all the Psalms - and the shortest chapter in the entire Bible.  This Psalm is said to basically be one long Alleluia.  :)  Actually verse 1 has a very important message - "Praise the LORD, all you nations. Praise him, all you people of the earth."  This demonstrates that God was very interested in the salvation of the Gentiles and all the nations in the Old Testament.  And not just in the New Testament as we get to the book of Acts.  This was part of the plan all along...
Proverbs - Proverbs 28 verse 1 today teaches us: "The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions."  This can only cause us to ask ourselves - are we running with no one chasing us?  Or are we bold like lions?
YouTube - Psalm 117 today reminds me of Michael W. Smith's song "A New Hallelujah!"
Do you know the Lord of Hallelujah's?  Click here and sing Hallelujah forever!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22 (NIV)
Prayer Point: Pray that you do not merely listen to the Word. Pray that you do what the Word says!
Comments from You:  What verses or insights stand out to you from today's readings?  Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
Grace, love, peace, and joy!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Ezekiel 35:1-36:38 ~ James 1:1-18 ~ Psalm 116:1-19 ~ Proverbs 27:23-27l Utah VidDevo l VidDevoChurch


November 17th One Year Bible Readings

Ezekiel 35:1-36:38 ~ James 1:1-18 ~ Psalm 116:1-19 ~ Proverbs 27:23-27
~ Click here to read today's Scripture on ~ // Mobile Site Link
~ Listen to today's Scripture on OTNTPsalmsProverbs or (podcast) ~
Old Testament - Ezekiel chapter 36 is an awesome chapter looking at the restoration of Israel, post-exile.  I like that there are prophecies to the mountain and hills and valleys in this chapter!  Great verses.  Verses 8 & 9 stood out to me - "But the mountains of Israel will produce heavy crops of fruit to prepare for my people's return--and they will be coming home again soon! See, I am concerned for you, and I will come to help you. Your ground will be tilled and your crops planted."   I like that God is concerned for the mountains and he wants them to be fruitful.  If He is concerned for the mountains, think how much more He is concerned for each of our lives...   Think He wants our lives to be fruitful as well?
Verse 22 shows God's grace - "I am bringing you back again but not because you deserve it.  I am doing it to protect my holy name."  The first sentence shows grace in that God is bringing them back, even though they are undeserving.  The second sentence you might not initially see the grace in it - but, God is protecting his holy name so that ultimately all people's in all nations will come to faith in him - and not idols, which deliver nothing and lead to the grave.  If God did not bring the Israelites back and protect his name, the rest of the world would see no reason to turn from their idols. 
Verses 26 & 27 sound very New Testament / new covenant - "And I will give you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony heart of sin and give you a new, obedient heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so you will obey my laws and do whatever I command." Do you have a new heart?  With new and right desires?  Do you have a new Spirit in you?
New Testament - Whoo-hoo!  Today we begin the book of James!
~ James ~
Author: James
Place: Uncertain
Date: A.D. 45-49
Content: The book of James was written to Jewish Christians in order to provide them with some practical instructions in the Christian life. It contains many short proverbial sayings and reflects in a remarkable way the teachings of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount. The problems addressed show the kind of difficulties that were troubling the church. We read of pride, discrimination, greed, lust, hypocrisy, worldliness, and backbiting. James writes to correct these evils by showing that faith without works is dead; that is, mere profession of faith is not enough. True faith will issue forth in a good life as surely as a good tree bears good fruit and not thistles.
Theme: James stresses the need for Christian living both to show the reality of one’s inner faith and to show the world that the Gospel does in fact change lives. If a person says he is a Christian but is no different than when he was an unbeliever, what benefit has there been either for him or for the needy world? But in fact the Gospel does change lives and if we will commit ourselves to Jesus, we will find that from our living faith will flow living deeds of love and kindness. (Above commentary is from Tyndale Publishers “The One Year Bible Companion” pp. 31-32) A great overview of the book of James and the other “Non-Pauline Epistles” by J. Hampton Keathley is 
at this link. (scroll down just below his commentary on Hebrews to get to his commentary on James)
Today in James chapter 1 verses 2 – 4 we read: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Are you facing a trial of some kind in your life today? Do you see the wisdom in considering this trial pure joy? Do you think it is possible that this trial will develop perseverance in your life? Maturity? Completeness? Will you persevere in this trial? Will you persevere with pure joy?
I like verse 17 today - "Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights.  Unlike them, he never changes or casts shifting shadows."  Think about this for a bit - God is a God of no shadows.  Pure light.  Unchanging.  No shadows.  I like that thought of no shadows a lot...  Of course, this means we can't hide out in God's shadows either!  :)  Praise God for his unchanging, un-shadowed & pure Light!
And verse 18 is an awesome closing to the James readings today - "In his goodness he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession."  Congratulations to you for diving into God's true Word today - the Bible!  Please continue to accept the gift of God's true word by reading the Bible each day....  this will bless and change your life immensely.   Do you realize that you are God's choice possession?  Do you realize that you are a child of God?
Psalms - Psalm 116 verses 1 & 2 are amazing- "I love the LORD because he hears and answers my prayers.  Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!" How is your prayer life these days?  Do you believe God bends down and listens to your prayers?  And answers them?   Will you pray as long as you have breath?
Proverbs - Proverbs 27:23-27 are pretty much just agricultural advice.  :)  Agriculture was obviously a huge part of the B.C. economy - and still is today.  So, a few proverbs verses on agriculture certainly makes sense!
Worship God:  Ezekiel 36:8 reminded me of the fantastic worship song "Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble" by Delirious!  Here's a great live version of this song:
Do you know our Risen Lord?  Click here to fling wide the heavenly gates!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on two verses of Scripture today: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." James 1:2-3 (NIV)
Prayer Point: Pray for joy in the Lord when trials come your way, knowing that the the trials - though they may test your faith - will produce perseverance in you.
Comments from You:  What verses or insights stand out to you from today's readings?  Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
Grace, love, peace, and joy!